Halatna Hala
Halatna Hala is a Saudi Ramadan series. Each episode is its own self-contained story, and it addresses social issues with humor.
How to Use This
Each document has a full transcript, with many words defined. You can either just enjoy watching the episodes and use the transcripts to check meanings of words you don’t know, or if you want a little more work, you can watch the episode yourself a few times and try to write out the transcript yourself, then use our transcript to check what you’ve written.
Mr. Adulkhi مسلسل حالتنا حالة 2 الحلقة 1 الدلخي
Let’s Steal مسلسل حالتنا حالة 2 الحلقة 2 شرايكم نسرق
PDF: حالة 2 الحلقة 2 شرايكم نسرق
Matchmaker Delivery 1 مسلسل حالتنا حالة 2 الحلقة 4 خطاب دليفري الجزء الأول
PDF: حالة 2 الحلقة 4 خطاب دليفري 1